The mock exam you are about to take looks and feels like a real on-line exam. The big difference of course is that these are practice questions and so are taken from a separate question bank and not from the actual exam bank!

Each mock exam consists of 25 randomised questions, with each exam lasting for a maximum of 30 minutes. You can re-take a mock exam as often as you like and, because there are more than 25 questions in each mock exam bank, you will get some new questions - remember however that the law of probability dictates that some of the questions are likely to be the same ones you answered previously!

When answering a question, simply click on the button next to the answer you consider correct and then use the arrow keys to move onto the next question. If you want to change an answer then simply click on another button.

When you have finished, click on the Finish button and your result will appear on the screen. The pass mark for each mock exam mirrors the real exam, so you must get 60% (70% for regulatory exams) to pass.

Then, if you click on Question Breakdown, you will see which questions you got right and which ones you got wrong.

It's worth noting that no record of your result, or even the number of attempts you have made, will be recorded by the Institute.

Click here to launch Mock Exam


Try your Mock Exams on the go!

You can now test your knowledge when you are out and about - here's how!


1. Browse to

2. Via the phone's menu icon, select "Add shortcut to home".

iOS (iPhones and iPads)

1. Browse to

2. Click the 'action' icon in the browser toolbar and select "Add to Home Screen".